ABB works together once again with PLN, Indonesia’s state-owned power utility, to supply high-quality miniature circuit breakers, with competitive price, produced locally and have high domestic component level.
DrillMeister TID-M modular drill bodies tackle the challenges of unstable drilling conditions and poor quality holes caused by traditional long-flute exchangeable-tip drills.
Collaboration aims to streamline autonomous mobile robot creation by offering industrial computing technology and a robust software platform for building, deploying, and running intelligent robots.
Alfa Laval has joined forces with eight other industrial companies to develop high-capacity hydrogen refuelling stations for heavy-duty vehicles (trucks and buses).
The TREK-60N is a ruggedized computing platform with Intel Core processor and NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX, ensuring high performance in harsh environments, meeting ISO7637-2 compliance.
The company aims to create a high-quality workforce for Indonesia's digital transformation, addressing its growth potential as Southeast Asia's largest economy and G20 member.