Keysight enables O-RAN ALLIANCE Open Testing & Integration Center
Keysight Technologies, has enabled ritt7Layers to join the O-RAN ALLIANCE community of OTICs in the Asia-Pacific region to provide O-RAN certification and badging for Open RAN components.

- Solution validates conformance, performance, and interoperability needed to provide equipment with O-RAN certification and badging
- Expansion of capabilities makes ritt7Layers the only test laboratory in the industry qualified to provide certification for Open RAN equipment and user equipment
Radio access network (RAN) deployments have traditionally relied on proprietary network equipment from single vendors. However, service providers are now adopting an Open RAN model for 5G, allowing them to build a RAN by mixing-and-matching network elements from different vendors. While Open RAN provides flexibility and cost savings, it also presents significant conformance and interoperability challenges. Recognizing these challenges, O-RAN ALLIANCE introduced the O-RAN Certification and Badging program through its OTICs to ensure Open RAN equipment works as intended in operator networks.
To provide vendors with O-RAN certification and badging, ritt7Layers is using Keysight's comprehensive set of wireless network emulation and testing solutions to verify the conformity, functionality, and performance of Open RAN equipment. The lab setup includes the Keysight Open RAN Architecture (KORA) and Network Emulation Solutions to provide end-to-end testing for 5G and 4G/LTE networks. In addition, the Keysight S8705A RF/RRM Conformance Toolset and S8704A Protocol Conformance Toolset are being used to certify UE while the WaveJudge Wireless Analyzer provides troubleshooting for complex multi-vendor interoperability testing processes.
Ritt7Layers added the Keysight-enabled O-RAN certification and badging to its existing 5G cellular device certification for Global Certification Forum (GCF) and PTCRB to become the only test laboratory qualified to provide certification for Open RAN equipment and user equipment (UE). This combination accelerates product time-to-market, ensures interoperability of Open RAN equipment, reduces testing time, and ensure compliance with the latest 5G and LTE standards.
- Keysight Open RAN Architecture (KORA)
- P8800S UeSIM UE Emulation RAN Solutions
- P8822S RuSIM – UE/O-RU Emulation Over the O-RAN Fronthaul
- P8850S CoreSIM — Core Simulation RAN Solutions
- U5040BSCB Open RAN Studio for O-RU Testing and Validation
- Network Emulator 3.