Schneider Electric, bersama Gabungan Produsen Makanan Minuman Indonesia mengumumkan kerjasamanya dalam pengembangan keahlian digital bagi sumber daya manusia di industri makanan dan minuman.
PT Teko Tinting and Engineering IM GROUP’s Southeast-Asian based tinting-solutions and R&D branch has completed a major installation, of an Inkmaker top-of-the-range paint dispensing system, at Mowilex’s factory in Serang, Indonesia.
When it comes to creating test benches, Italian company Advantech Time is breaking new ground and changing the traditional landscape in the field of measurement and test engineering. PC-based control from Beckhoff ensures flexibility and a multidisciplinary approach in the test laboratory, integrating two activities that were previously always separate, industrial control and data acquisition.
Acara Siemens Smart Infra-ConneX menyatukan lebih dari 200 pemangku kepentingan utama dari sektor publik dan swasta. Para pembicara dari pemerintah, badan usaha milik negara, lembaga pembiayaan internasional dan kredit ekspor, serta pakar teknologi Siemens hadir dalam acara ini.
The French manufacturer is one of the first in the world to take delivery of the new EXPERTCUT 2.1 Autoplaten® die-cutter with TooLink technology, installed recently to increase productivity and expand opportunities in corrugated board packaging with the widest variety of e-commerce and FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) boxes.
Soups, ravioli or noodles: Up to now caterers and kitchens have had to allow hot food to cool down, in order for it to be vacuum packed effectively. This costs time and reduces flexibility, and in the case of active cooling this also takes energy. The alternative from MULTIVAC the packaging specialists: the new SFP Light steam flushing system.
Dengan kemampuan regenerasi energi yang rendah harmonisa, drive ABB ACH580 menawarkan solusi efisiensi energi dan proteksi daya dalam sistem tata kelola udara (HVAC) dalam rangka mendukung perkembangan sektor pusat data di Indonesia.
Tantangan Komunikasi & Keamanan yang Dihadapi Produsen Robot Berjalan. Robot berjalan (mobile robot) ada di mana-mana, mulai dari gudang, rumah sakit, hingga jalanan. Robot jenis ini populer karena lebih murah, aman, mudah ditemukan, dan produktif dibandingkan pekerja manusia.